European Union Initiative
Armenian and Turkish Social Entrepreneurs and Social Innovators are Meeting in Istanbul
Turkey | Public Journalism Club, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey

Following the successful exchange of entrepreneurs within the framework of the programme Support for the Armenia-Turkey Normalisation Process funded by the European Union, Armenia-based Public Journalism Club (PJC) and its Turkish partner the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), as well as Mikado Consulting is organizing a new project which will bring talented Armenian and Turkish Social Entrepreneurs together for the purpose of building a strong social network for sustainable cooperation.


The initiative is supported by the US Embassy in Armenia and will be kicked off in Istanbul with the support of Mikado Sustainable Development Consulting - a social enterprise committed to encouraging sustainable development and to yieldingmaximum social impact through crafting innovative models and solutions.


This five-day study visit of the Armenian delegation, consisting of 7 social entrepreneurs and 1 media representative, within the period of November 25 -29, will:


-       EXPLORE how social enterprises in Armenia and Turkey contribute to the innovation and sustainable growth in society,

-       ENABLE the participants to share experiences, methods, and challenges that SE ecosystems from both countries face;

-       EMPOWER entrepreneurs to achieve tangible social impact through capacity building on social impact analysis and supporting early-stage social entrepreneurs.


The delegation from Armenia includes:


1.    Lilit Asatryan - Nurı-Nrnenı LLC

2.    Nazareth Seferian – CSR/SE consultant

3.    Natali Harutyunyan - Altera LLC

4.    Anush Aslanyan - LoriArt

5.    Siranush Vardanyan - ARK LLC

6.    Taline Kevonian – Melinei Partez (Meline'sGarden)

7.    Artush Khachatryan - Sareri Barik


“We hope to promote do-gooder mentality in our region among entrepreneurs and business community and enable establishment of partnerships and links between like-minded people through their common interest of producing social values and bringing social changes,” Seda Muradyan, project leader from Armenia, President of Public Journalism Club NGO, says.


The Networking event/Social Meetup scheduled to take place on Tuesday, November 27that Impact Hub Turkey will bring together for a non-formal gathering social entrepreneurs from Armenia and Turkey, academicians, industry representatives and business professionals. The event will be a chance to hear about Armenia’s ecosystem existing in the field of social entrepreneurship, to exchange ideas, best practices as well as to build long-lasting professional relations.


About the Project Team

The Public Journalism Club (PJC) is a non-governmental organization, established in March 2011 in Armenia. PJC’s projects aim at the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, development of democratic environment and civil society, as well as building regional dialogue and peace through innovative ideas. In realizing our mission and core values, we are guided by the principles of promotion of media literacy, freedom of expression, diversity and pluralism, raising awareness among the society in Armenia, as well as addressing social issues through trailblazing and ambitious projects. We envision a more democratic, prosperous and sustainable Armenia, which encourages social activism and endorses a more cooperative, educated and competitive society.

Address: 12 Saryan str., 3rd floor, Yerevan, Armenia, 0002

Tel. +37412 755898, +37499 755 898
Email: [email protected]   



Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) was established by a group of businessman, bureaucrats and academicians for the purposes of conducting data-based policy analysis and policy making contributions. TEPAV became operational on December 2004 with the goal of enriching the content of information/data in ideological discussions and arguments. TEPAV is strictly non-partisan and pursue the highest in ethical and academic standards. It produces vigorous, data-driven analysis and contributes a technical outlook to various fields of study. In this sense, the most important quality setting TEPAV aside from many other think tanks being established in Turkey is its full-time staff and the importance it attributes to program-based capacity building. As a think tank it has conducted projects 49 of Turkey's provinces and 21 countries across the world, maintaining a deep and wide-ranging network.Since 2014, TEPAV is a member of General Consortium which is focusing on the Armenian-Turkish Normalization Process.

Address: SöğütözüCaddesi No:43TOBB-ETÜ Yerleşkesi 2. Kısım06560 Söğütözü Ankara

Tel: +90 (312) 292 55 25

E-mail: [email protected]



Mikado Consulting, established in September 2007, is a social enterprise committed to serve sustainable development and to yield social impact through crafting innovative models and solutions. Mikado believes in and strives to create partnerships among private sector, civil society, academic, public and international organisations for multi-dimensional development. Mikado is a catalyst, strengthening organizations' capacities and mobilizing their resources efficiently so that they can fulfill their responsibilities and contribute to sustainable development. Mikado supports private sector companies to form and implement their sustainability and inclusive business strategies; develops and implements capacity building and social impact maximization projects with NGOs to create a transparent civil society by democratization and active citizenship; and through its innovative approach Mikado crafts social innovative projects in collaboration with private sector, academic institutions and NGOs. Social innovation, social impact and sustainability are main pillars of Mikado. Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are developed for all the programs and social impact is measured. Mikado believes "what can be measured can be managed". Mikado Consulting is proud to be Turkey's first certified B Corporation - as well as to take part as one of the "Best for Overall Impact" enterprises in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016.Many projects developed by Mikado in cooperation with companies, academic institutions and NGOs are found worthy of various awards.

Address: Valikonağı Cad. Modül Apt. No:11 K:7 34371, Nişantaşı, İstanbul

Tel.: 0212 2345151

E-mail: [email protected]

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