European Union Initiative
Study Visits to the ICT Centers of Excellence in Ankara
Turkey | Public Journalism Club, The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey
On February 2- 4 a group of 20 graduate students, recent graduates of Armenian universities and startup entrepreneurs representing the ICT sector in Turkey and Armenia will conduct study visits to the ICT centers of excellence and technology related organizations based in Ankara.

On February 2, the young specialists will have the possibility to visit the ODTÜ Technopark, meet the representatives of Seasoft Company specialized in software solutions for medical equipment, as well as the representatives of Game Incubator ATOM- both based in the  Technopark.


On February 4, the group will have the opportunity to visit the prestigious Bilkent Cyberpark and learn about the success stories of companies based there as well as university operations and applied research activities.


The study visits will take place as part n  of the  the  Technology goes beyond borders: Yerevan-Ankara” Project.


The “Technology goes beyond borders: Yerevan-Ankara acceleration” Project build up on the the first “Technology without borders” (February-May, 2015) Project that brought together 6 startup teams from Armenia and Turkey to participate in an Acceleration Training at Microsoft Innovation Center (MIC). The Project was co-sponsored by the US Embassy in Armenia and the European Union.



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