European Union Initiative
Summer School - "Yavaş-Gamats 2016"
Turkey | Citizens’ Assembly
Helsinki Citizens' Assembly (hCa) in Istanbul, Turkey & Vanadzor, Armenia organise Yavas-Gamats Summer Schools for teachers and teacher candidates from Armenia and Turkey.The Summer School will be held on 1-7 August, 2016 in Istanbul. Students and University students can apply.

Helsinki Citizens' Assembly (hCa) in Istanbul, Turkey & Vanadzor, Armenia organise Yavas-Gamats Summer Schools for teachers and teacher candidates from Armenia and Turkey. The 7-day programme includes thematic lectures by scholars from a range of disciplines, authors, journalists and film-makers from Armenia and Turkey. A major part of the program is made up of workshops, roundtable discussions, group work sessions, a language “crash-course” in Armenian/Turkish and film screenings aimed to widen the perspectives of participants, while strengthening their skills in conflict transformation.

Who can apply?


→ Teachers in active, professional practice up to 5 years, in primary & secondary education (class teachers or branch teachers)
→ University Students in the Education Faculties
from Armenia and Turkey.

Event Calendar
Translating Turkish prose into Armenian: another way of dialogue